To fully understand the story I am about to tell you there is a
bit of background information you need to know. Every other year my
dad's side of the family has a family reunion in Florida. I know
most family reunions are tagged as time you get together with
family that you barely know and hear all of them say how big you
have grown. You then spend the better part of a few hours
struggling to make conversation with your third cousin, while
trying to figure out how they are related to you. Then you sigh
that sigh of relief when it's finally time to go. Well, it is time
to erase that visual from your head and let me create a new
I have had the fortune to grow up close to my extended family and
get to know them pretty well, so when family reunion rolls around
it becomes one big party. The days are spent having bocce ball
tournaments on the beach, while the wee hours of the morning are
spent in a constant game of Risk or Settlers of Catan. Every other
night we all gather in a clubhouse to enjoy a hot meal and devotion
by one of the three branches of my dad's side. The off nights are
spent with immediate family and a cousin's night out. What this
means is that all of the older cousins go out to dinner without the
kids. Well we are not exactly kids anymore, so my generation of
cousins have started our own cousins night out. This usually
consists of food, playing a prank on the older generation, and then
going mini golfing to give us an alibi.
Four years ago, we came up with the brilliant idea to TP the house
of the only bachelor left in the older generation, Christian. My
cousins and I made a trip to the dollar store for a lifetime supply
of toilet paper and came out with not only toilet paper but a blow
up kid's pool, a few packets of the pills that turn into to sponge
animals, and a pair of granny panties. When we returned to the
house we deviously started to TP the outside of the house when we
discovered that the sliding door had been left unlocked. We had
extra toilet paper left so why not TP inside of the house as well.
In the midst of our devious act my great aunt happened to walk by.
She looked as us and said, "I did not see anything," and continued
on her way. To add some finishing touches to our masterpiece we put
the kid's pool on the roof right above the door and filled it with
water and taped the granny panties to the front door, then
immediately went mini golfing.
While we were golfing we all
started getting texts from our parents about how they have called
the cops and that the mean lady in the neighborhood has called the
Home Owners Association to report the incident. We could not figure
out if they were joking or not and we got a little worried. We
should have known that our parents were just returning the prank.
This is definitely a memory that will not be