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I Sank With The Titanic


this past week my teacher wife and I took a fall break and spent a couple days up in Pigeon Forge. it was our first time to go away just ourselves since we were married just over 3 months ago so it was a lot of fun to be all grown up and on our own outside of Chattanooga. we spent some time at the outlet malls where Becca got a new rain jacket and ate at our two favorite places, the Apple Barn and the Pottery House at the Old Mill.

we also were able to visit the big, giant boat of a museum after passing it so many times. the Titanic museum! we spent quite a while there learning the many stories behind the most famous ship sinking ever! we saw actual tickets to board the Titanic, one ladies life jacket from the actual sinking and even a key from the ship that a waiter used to open every door in the first class section. one thing that was pretty neat was we were there while a professional Captain Smith actor was also there and heard a great story about the Titanic's "last hero." i won't ruin it for you if you have the chance to hear him yourself, but it involves a preacher that was headed to the Moody Institute in Chicago but never made it.

if you get the chance to check out the museum, it's definitely worth it. you can feel the cold temperature of the water they sank in (it was below freezing!) and everyone that enters is handed a card with a person on it. you can find out at the end if you made it off the Titanic alive or not.

i didn't. Becca did. :P

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